Michael’s Musings about Leadership.
All articles are written by Michael Iannini unless specified otherwise.
It’s not as simple as “Praise Effort”
Praise is a powerful thing. It has the potential to motivate, guide and support a student’s learning. But it can also derail it. When our praise is focused on outcomes and abilities, it contributes to the development of a Fixed Mindset.
Capacity-Building Strategies
Renee Rehfeldt defined the four strategies I list below to categorize the numerous PD offerings available to staff…
Facilitating Purposeful Meetings
Pay attention to the “Elephants”, or Ineffective Meeting Attributes and Behaviours, that team members will overlook at the start of the year.
How to Tell if Distance Learning Is Working for Your Kid
Most parents never expected they’d be in grade school again, and yet, here we are: the alphabet, the multiplication tables, the order of colors in a rainbow…
Establishing Purpose
Like many educators, my pivot to remote instruction has been fraught with frustration, continually challenging my capacity to learn and adapt.
Pivot Points
Mac Bogert and I have a conversation about going Back to Different. The reopening of schools will present the best opportunity for change in decades.
4 Organizational Pillars to Achieve Transformative Change in Schools
To begin building the foundation for collaborative, transformative and sustainable change in schools, senior leaders need to…
Sandboxes for School Leaders
Schools that empower their middle leaders to take ownership of their teams will demonstrate these 6 characteristics…
How Leaders Develop in 3 Stages
Every school year ends with me presenting to schools with how they need to prepare their next crop of leaders.
Change Fails without This Team
These are three vital attributes for achieving transformational change and when people with these attributes are put together there will be a multiplier effect of new ideas that improving practice.
Who Should Lead: 3 Dimensions for Successful Middle Leadership
In an ideal situation, most school leaders envision teacher-led teams working in a collaborative state.
6 Characteristics of Schools that Empower Middle Leaders
Teacher leaders, coordinators, department heads and vice-principals are the heart of the school.
The 3 Year Student Learning Improvement Plan
I recently facilitated a roundtable discussion that was convened due to the growing interest of senior leaders in schools related to professionally developing their middle leaders.
Teacher Lead Teams: Diagnosis for Complacency
A concept I love introducing to school boards and senior leadership teams is BHAGs, Big Hairy Audacious Goals.
Collaboration: A School Improvement Strategy
How do you define collaboration? Does the outcome of your collaborative work improve instructional and operational effectiveness?
How the Chinese Systematize Collaboration
I felt like Jean Luc Picard (Star Trek) after completing a recent program with a Beijing public primary school.
Do you have an agenda for your first team meeting of the year?
Several Department Heads and Teacher Leaders have already had the opportunity to meet their team members.
3 Essential Questions to Consider When Choosing Next Year’s Teacher Leaders
It’s March and you have, or just are, finishing your recruitment for next year.